Monday, November 19, 2007

Big Day

I took the week of from work to play with Taryn. We had a fantastic day. Shopping at Whole Foods, lunch with friends and plenty of moving around on the floor.

Three new, great things today:
1. Taryn scoots backwards. Below, she's in mid-scoot, almost under the side of the couch. There's no leaving this little girl alone anymore.

2. She drank from a sippy cup (usually she just "chews" on it)! We've been trying for weeks, but today I mixed apple juice with the water. It was great incentive to get that nectar out of the cup. :)
3. She told me she was hungry! We were rolling around on the floor, she rolled over, looked right at me, and made the sign language for "eat". It was an hour before she was due for her bottle, but I hopped up, mixed up a snack, and she drank the whole thing.

This baby is so brilliant!

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